
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chevyracing09 Oval Spectacular (EDITED)

The Chevyracing09 spectatcular (thanks to a handsome donation of 1 million credits) will take place Fri. April 30th at 11 EST, 10 CST, 9 MTN, 8 PAC. The race will be stock Aston Martin #007 DBR9's around Sunset Peninsula for 50 laps with cautions.
The current drivers are
Ford - $500,000 (unable to race) (now able to race)
Viking - $400,000
Pub - $350,000
Top - $300,000
DJ - $1,000,000
Mini - $250,000
Proof - $200,001
Bad - ????????
= 3,000,001

There is obviously 1 (1) more spot available and I'm gonna require at least a $100,000 Cr bid to get it and be able to win the money and if that spot fill the person with the lowest bid can get kicked out if the bids go higher.

Official Teabagging Rules

I have resurrected the official teabagging rules from the SaD group in their original form. To make them relevant to Forza replace "teabag" with "taunt".

Official Teabagging Rules [edit]
Posted by Anonymous User (Deleted) at 9/30/2008 10:56 AM PDT
Teabagging - the process of standing over another player after they have died and "crouching" or "kneeling" to resemble a teabag motion.

Official Rules
1. Thou shalt not teabag unless thou hast been teabagged.

2. Thou shalt not teabag when losing by more then 10 kills.

3. Exception to Rule 1 - Thou shalt teabag douschebags. Repeatedly.

4. Thou shalt not teabag teammates.

5. Exception to all rules - thou can teabag anyone with hayabusa armor.

6. Teabagging of recon will NOT be tolerated no matter how great the oppurtunity maybe.

7. Exception to Rule 6 - Thou can teabag recon if recon hast given permission to teabag.

8. Thou shalt not teabag after getting a "killjoy" medal.

9. Thou shalt not teabag any clan and or person that is supporter but not member of SaD.

10. Thou shalt not teabag a girl.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Interview with the Champion

Ignore the fact that this interview is about 2 weeks late.

GASCAR: How does it feel to win the GASCAR championship?

Top: "It is fucking awesome because i pwn."

GASCAR: What are your goals for life now that you got your greatest accomplishment in your life outta the way already?

Top: "to become gascars first back to back champion"

GASCAR: and how do you feel about your new teammate ford, isn't obviously going to hold you back?

Top: "somewhat but he will also hold the rest of you back"

GASCAR: and for the final, completely relevant, question. If you had to lock your girlfriend in a room with either Ben Roethlisberger or Kobe Bryant who do you choose?


are you going to answer the question?

(more silence...)

Top: "kobe"

New Idea

The new idea is to run C class cars and to eliminate super overpowered giants we'll require the cars to have a 4 cylinder. This will also require the minimum weight limit to be moved down to 2000lbsish. Post ideas below.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Kick-ass GP at Nurburgring

GASCAR has a new champion in Top Fuel Man, after he claimed his 5th win of the season in Germany Friday night. At the beginning of the race, there was an accident between Viking and Proof. In the aftermath, Viking slid across the track into oncoming traffic leaving Top Fuel's only competition severely crippled. There was good racing in the middle of the pack but Top had the points locked down, but the win was still up for grabs. DJ again subbing for Bad, slowly reeled in Top and with 2 laps to go was riding his bumper when disaster struck. Lag caused DJ to total his car finish in last. Top Fuel finished the race in 1st claiming his 5th win of the 10 race season and dominating the final points standings. The only moment in the points after the last race is Ford falling off the podium and Super finishing his strong rookie showing in 3rd.

Finishing Order:
1st - Top*
2nd - Viking
3rd - Super
4th - Mini*
5th - Proof
6th - DJ
7th - Ford
8th - Roadie

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Tsukuba was a surprisingly uneventful race with only one caution considering the size of the track, well any race that Ford participates in and there is only one caution would be surprising. At the beginning of the race, two distinct pack formed with Viking, Top, and DJ in the lead group with everyone else in another group a little further back. During the first half of the race, most people got their pit stops outta the way except DJ and Viking which proved to be a costly decision for both of them. A caution came out about half way through when Super's batteries died forcing DJ and Viking to pit and be in the back of the pack. DJ was caught up in an accident that damaged his car enough to remove any chance he had of winning. Viking was able to get up front and race with both Proof and Top for a awhile swapping the lead between each other until having a run in going into turn 1 and dropping to 5th. Considering the style of racing Viking pitted for fresh tires and dropped to 6th hoping for a caution and a gigantic advantage off the restart. That caution never came though and Top was able to hold on for his 4th win of the season closely followed by Proof. DJ in his damaged car was eventually able to get around Mini for 3rd and 4th respectively. Ford took 5th followed by Viking and Super.

Finish results
1st - Top* - 10
2nd - Proof* - 8
3rd - DJ* - 7
4th - Mini - 5
5th - Ford - 4
6th - Viking* - 4
7th - Super - 2

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