
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pre-functory Recap from Hockenheim Race

Top and Ford had a spirited battle for the pole with Top besting Ford on the last qualifying lap.

Top and Ford battled for the lead in the early stages. Then Top took over. Viking lead a lap during pit stops.  Top won handily with no challenge from Ford nor Viking.

Finishing order:

  1. TopFuelMan*
  2. Fordv2*
  3. VikingN7*
  4. TriggaMike
  5. MiniAndretti
  6. Stauburst
  7. BadRiver
  8. FenrirProof
DJ was awarded 3 points for his first missed race per the rules. See the spreadsheet for current points positions to determine car PI for the next race, Road Atlanta, on May 10(probably). Some car changes were made as well.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Spring 2013 Race 1 Recap aka TopFuelMan Threw It Away

The most recent GASCAR season got off to its usual auspicious beginning. Only six drivers showed up(Is the economy effecting GASCAR sponsorship?) and the race started on time, I mean a half an hour late.

During pre-race practice it looked as if Fordv2 was going to be the class of the field along with TopFuelMan and DJ. However, a quick pre-race inspection revealed that his rocket of a Ford Fusion was illegal at 2700 pounds as opposed to the mandated minimum 3000. (Insert laugh track here.) Ford had to scramble in the garage to make his car legal before qualifying.

During qualifying it became clear that TopFuel and DJ would be the class of the field with TopFuel taking the pole. DJ wasn't far behind. Mini, Ford, TriggaMike(Welcome back Airman!), and BadRiver were figuring out who was going to challenge for third.

Considering the nasty hairpin that is Turn 1 at the Nurburging GP course, the race got off to a relatively clean start. Top, in his Holden HSV GTS, and DJ, in a Lotus Carlton, instantly started battling for the lead with Mini within striking distance should one of them falter. Ford wasn't far behind in fourth while he became accustomed to his slapdash tune. After a couple of laps, things settled down with Top and DJ each leading for several laps. Ford fell behind Mini by several seconds. Trigga was similarly behind Ford and Bad likewise behind Trigga.

Around lap 12 tire wear became an issue for the top 2. They started sliding around and there was a lot of yelling from DJ and Top. All those behind, were hopeful for the race's first caution. It never came. Top gave up the ghost on lap 14 and pitted along with Mini. DJ stayed out hoping to gap TopFuel, a strategy which really did backfire. With fresh rubber, Top almost instantly started whittling away DJ's lead after dispatching Ford, who for a moment thought about gambling with a no stop race. DJ pitted at the end of the lap and it looked at that point as though he had lost the race.

Until lap 19. Top had a solid 2-3 second lead on DJ with no other challengers in sight. Heading back up the hill from the hairpin TopFuel dragged his car through the dirt in the fast but tricky chicane. DJ closed in. Then Top botched the chicane at the end of the long back straightaway and DJ was on Top of him. Now, DJ's Lotus with newer tires would shine. He was just better enough in the corners to hold off the power of Top's Holden on the straightaways. Coming down the the last corner, Top was all over DJ's bumper but he spun the tires coming out of the corner and it was just enough for DJ to beat him in the drag race to the line.

Finishing order:

  1. DJ*
  2. TopFuelMan*
  3. MiniAndretti
  4. Fordv2
  5. TriggaMike
  6. BadRiver
* Denotes lap lead

The next race is Friday, 4/26, 11pm ET at the Hockenheimring GP.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring 2013: A Class Schedule

Through a combination of the poll some of you took and unilateral decisions made by MiniAndretti the schedule is as follows:

  1. Nurburgring F1 - Friday April 19th @ 11pmET
  2. Hockenheimring F1
  3. Road Atlanta - full*
  4. Mazda Laguna Seca
  5. Indianapolis Motor Speedway - Oval(Car TBA)
  6. Mugello GP
  7. Suzuka*
  8. Road America
  9. Infineon - NASCAR
* Denotes - double points race

Car rules are in the Potential Rules tab. Dibs should be declared to MiniAndretti on XBoxLive, a reply to this thread, or by email

Each race will last approximately 45 minutes not including the qualifying session.