Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Official Teabagging Rules

I have resurrected the official teabagging rules from the SaD bungie.net group in their original form. To make them relevant to Forza replace "teabag" with "taunt".

Official Teabagging Rules [edit]
Posted by Anonymous User (Deleted) at 9/30/2008 10:56 AM PDT
Teabagging - the process of standing over another player after they have died and "crouching" or "kneeling" to resemble a teabag motion.

Official Rules
1. Thou shalt not teabag unless thou hast been teabagged.

2. Thou shalt not teabag when losing by more then 10 kills.

3. Exception to Rule 1 - Thou shalt teabag douschebags. Repeatedly.

4. Thou shalt not teabag teammates.

5. Exception to all rules - thou can teabag anyone with hayabusa armor.

6. Teabagging of recon will NOT be tolerated no matter how great the oppurtunity maybe.

7. Exception to Rule 6 - Thou can teabag recon if recon hast given permission to teabag.

8. Thou shalt not teabag after getting a "killjoy" medal.

9. Thou shalt not teabag any clan and or person that is supporter but not member of SaD.

10. Thou shalt not teabag a girl.

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