
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Camino Viejo Not Instant Results

The race wasn't quite as violent as expected. The first 50 went by rather uneventfully with Top leading, Ford second, Viking third, and DJ beating out Recent for fourth. During the final heat, Ford was the only one to run mistake-free. DJ capitalized on getting a new car moved to second. Viking held third while Top spun around in the back.

1. Ford*
2. DJ
3. Viking
4. Top*
5. Recent
6. Mini
7. Proof
8. Bad*

Monday, December 17, 2012

Iberian GP Results

A glorious race won by a masterful drive by Viking who intimidated Ford and Top into destroying their own chances. DJ also capitalized on their downfalls to take second to stretch his podium streak.

  1. Viking**
  2. DJ
  3. Ford
  4. Top
  5. Chriss
  6. Mini
  7. Bad

Saturday, December 8, 2012


It was a typical oval race, lots  of crashing and drafting. On the final lap, Viking lead DJ to the flag before squeezing him to low. DJ then did what he had to. The pack of Mini and others avoided Viking in the middle of the track and Mini was able to squeeze between the wall and DJ for the win.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Infineon Recap

When qualifying began we started with a small field. Top and Proof were both missing after flying through the Bermuda Triangle on the way back from England. Recent, who we believe is confused by clocks, also wasn't able to attend the race. Qualifying went innocently enough. DJ was able to win the pole going nearly a second faster than second place. The field was inverted for the beginning of the race. Viking started in first, after failing to run a clean lap, Chrisscrossed and Bad followed him up the hill where a caution was brought out immediately. In the melee, Bad and Instink suffered damage and the race restarted after a lap. Viking suddenly found speed and was able to drive off with the lead for the first 7 laps. Behind him, Ford, Instink, DJ, and Mini raced in an always changing order with. Ford was able to separate slightly as the Viking came back to the field. Ford cleanly worked into the lead. Next, Instink started to work around Viking, who fought back and was able to hold second for the time being. DJ was beginning to recover after a poor restart. He went into the pits and was making up time by himself after harassing Mini. Instink tried to go to the pits on lap 11 but failed to forget that other cars had to brake to get into the corner. This caused him to rear end Viking and began what ended up being a long night for him.

The running order at halfway was Ford, DJ, Instink, Mini, Viking, Bad, and Chrisscrossed. The field was spread out until Viking managed to clip the inside curb at the far end of the track and rolled himself over.
The race restarted on the backstretch in that order but Mini made a move to the inside of the chicane and Viking followed. DJ shuffled back along with Instink but not very far. Everyone came out of the last hairpin to the frontstretch where, Ford, Mini, Viking, and DJ crossed the line side by side by side by side. with Instink directly behind. The cluster continued lurching around the track. They got to the last corner of before the backstretch where Viking once again rolled over bringing out the third caution.

With 7 to go the group restarted again. This time Ford was able to lead Instink and DJ, Mini following closely behind that. Viking worked around Bad and Chrisscrossed and began to close on the mess that was the leaders. The front was changing but always went back to the previous order, even though the leaders were only a few lengths apart the whole time. Viking worked around Mini and started tussling with the leaders. Ford had and off with 3 to go which allowed Instink and DJ to swap places with him in the line.

With 2 to go, everyone lined up to get into the final corner. Viking got overly aggressive and started pushing Ford through it, this pushed Ford into DJ’s rear bumper, sending him spinning. Unfortunately, this stretched the gap for Instink who opened a small but sufficient lead. Ford was easily able to fend off a hurt Viking. DJ worked back around Mini and set his sights on Viking. Going into the last corner before the backstretch Viking flipped for the third time attempting to defend the inside line. This allowed Mini to move into fourth.  Chrisscrossed pulled out 6th and Bad 7th.

Note: Proof, Top, and Recent were awarded the new provisional race bonus of 5 points which is a one-time award for missing a race. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Digging out from the Silverstone Rubble

Destruction of this caliber hasn't been seen in England since the arrival of the Luftwaffe. 

The Last Lap
As they started the last lap Dj was on Top’s bumper followed by Viking with Ford and Instink rounding out the top 5 all within 2 seconds. They poured through the first corner. DJ closed the already infinitesimally small gap by rubbing on Top. Viking carried the momentum through to their bumper. Instink and Ford did the same to him. Going into the chicane they scattered as Viking got loose. They stayed in the same position, Top opening a slight gap. Viking pushed DJ to regain momentum and Ford forced Instink into the grass down the straight to limit his run. DJ made his move under the bridge, colliding with Top and sending both skidding. Viking got around Top and dive-bombed DJ to the harm of both of them. The Instink-Ford pair moved into 2nd and 3rd while Top slide back to the front after the collision between Viking and DJ. Instink made a move to the outside but Ford slammed his door to prevent it, this sent Instink careening to the back of the back. Viking and DJ got a run on Ford, as Ford ran DJ down to the inside wall. Top crossed the line but the mayhem wasn’t over. DJ crushed between the wall and Ford was able to squeeze through for 2nd. Ford rounded out the podium and Viking came in 4th. Bad and Proof finished 5th and 6th respectively. Instink and Mini were in the back of the pack after both drawing the short end in collisions on the final lap.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Points Proposal

A proposal from Viking. Co-Sponsored by Top Fuel Man.

  • If the driver in first in points goes into a race and gets,
    • 1st - they will have 15 P.I. removed from their car for the season.
    • 2nd - they will have 10 P.I. removed from their car for the season.
    • 3rd - they will have 5 P.I. removed from their car for the season. 
  • If the driver in second in points goes into a race and gets,
    • 1st - they will have 10 P.I. removed from their car for the season.
    • 2nd - they will have 5 P.I. removed from their car for the season.
  • If the driver in third in points goes into a race and gets,
    • 1st - they will have 5 P.I. removed from their car for the season.
For example, if Ford is first in points and wins a race he would have 15 P.I. removed from his car. At this point, the base P.I. would be 425 - 15 for his (still doing good though handicapped) handicap. He would then have the points handicap applied on top of the 410, which is 20, so he would be at 390 going into the next race.
Or, if Viking was third in points and won the race he would have 5 P.I. removed from his car. Say he stayed in third after his win, he would go into the next race at 420 - 10 (for the points handicap) or 410.
  • If a driver finishes 9th or worse,
    • they get 15 P.I. added to their car.
  • If a driver finishes 8th,
    • they get 10 P.I. added to their car.
  • If a driver finishes 7th,
    • they get 5 P.I. added to their car.
  • A driver's P.I. can never exceed 425.
For example, if Proof enter a race with no base P.I. hit and finishes 9th, he will start the next race at 425. Because a driver cannot go over 425.
Or, if Mini starts a race with a base P.I. of 420 because he won a race from third in points a few races ago and finishes in 8th, his base P.I. will move to 425.
Or, if Instink has a base P.I. of 410 because he is dominating and finishes in 7th he will have a base P.I. of 415 going into the next race.

I am very happy with this proposal and would like to see a discussion/vote in the comments below.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hockenheim GP

GASCAR raced at Hockenheim Friday night to complete the German leg of the series.

It was decided that the winner of the pole would get a point and then the field would be inverted. Of course Instink won that.

When the race started Recent started out front. Ford slowly made his made the field and also to the front. DJ made is where there also followed by Instink coming through the field. In the first laps Top was collected by somebody (probably Instink) and wasn't able to put up a fight. A few laps into the race Viking slightly bumped Instink going into a corner, Instink decided to reply with a violent pit maneuver that sent Viking backing into the wall. The race continued with a rather spirited fight at the front between the first handful or cars as everyone else ran laps.

As the race wound down, DJ was in front attempting to make the race without a pit stop. He was unable to do so though falling behind Ford with a few laps to go. Recent held third. Instink in fourth was putting Viking a lap down when he made a hard right on the straight away putting them both into the wall. Instink couldn't take his own medicine. The front four finished as said above with the rest of the field as follows:
  1. Ford*
  2. DJ*
  3. Recent*
  4. Instink**
  5. Top
  6. Mini
  7. Viking
  8. Proof
  9. Chrisscrossed
  10. Bad

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Nurburgring Sensata GP

GASCAR returned to Nurburgring tonight for the first of what will be back to back races in Germany. The night began simply enough with Instink taking the pole, followed by DJ, and Viking, and the pack. The race then also began simply enough (surprisingly) with no major incidents, in the first corner at least. Some stuff happened behind me that brought out a caution but from my vantage point I didn't catch much. After the caution, Instink drove away from the pack. DJ involved in an earlier incident had fallen back leaving Viking to second. The first two pulled away from the field as Instink drove away. Viking attempted to not pit which almost lost him second place. I'm gonna hope someone else will comment on what happened further back cause I don't have a clue. 

Finishing Order
  1. Instink*
  2. Viking*
  3. Recent
  4. Top
  5. DJ
  6. Mini
  7. Ford
  8. Bad
  9. Chrisscrossed
  10. Proof

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Maple Valley Recap

The season and race started off just as expected, by everything changing at the last second. Just a few hours before the race teams were still deciding on cars and 20 minutes before the start Viking jumped onto Team Proof in fear of the new Mazda MX-5 Superlight becoming banned.

When the dust settled on the field and qualify concluded Instink had the pole. Top was close behind him. DJ, Viking, Ford, Mini followed in some order with Proof, rookie Chrisscrossed, and Bad. The race kicked off with Top and DJ getting around Instink but Instink came back to lead the first lap. Instink and Top had the vastly superior vehicles and drove away. Viking drove next to DJ for awhile before falling back. Ford raced DJ as Mini struggled to survive this week. Proof should've brought out the first caution of the race after rolling over but not announcing it.

Around lap 12 Viking hit a curb that sent his car hard into the wall. As he drove around to the pits he came upon Proof who drove straight into the pit entrance wall. The 20 minute old team KingProof was off to a terrible start. On lap 14 Mini lagged out of the room, to the relief of team King Proof. At this time the running order was Instink, Top, and DJ. Followed by Ford, Mini, Chrisscrossed, Bad, Viking, and Proof.

Coming back from the caution saw another quick one as DJ rolled after hitting the curb. This again spawn another caution between Mini and Chrisscrossed. When this was over Top and Instink were still the class of the field. Followed by Viking, Ford, Mini, and the field. After 5 laps on new tires and only 10 to go. Viking and Top elected to give up their position for fresh rubber. This strategy slightly backfired. When the green flag came out it stayed till the end of the race. Instink drove away from the field. Top and Viking worked back through getting up to fights for second and third. Top raced hard with Ford and pulled to his door but was never able to finish the job. Viking held third till the last straightaway when DJ was able to work his way past him by .05 seconds.

Finishing Order
  1. Instink - 11
  2. Ford - 9
  3. Top - 8
  4. DJ - 6
  5. Viking - 5
  6. Mini - 4
  7. Chrisschrossed - 3
  8. Proof - 2
  9. BadRiver - 1

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Official Rules: 2012 Fall GASCAR Campaign

Here it is, the long anticipated rules that you will abide by this season.
See you guys, Friday, Oct. 5th at 11:30EST/10:30CST. 
The schedule is under construction.

Car Restrictions

  • All cars MUST you Drag Tires
  • Max P.I. before handicap is 425
  • You must pick a car in this list: Click Here
  • Your car must weigh over 2200lbs
  • Your car cannot be AWD


  1. 10
  2. 8
  3. 7
  4. 6
  5. 5
  6. 4
  7. 3
  8. 2
  9. and back - 1
  • One bonus point for leading a lap

Team Rules

  • Find a teammate if possible
  • Teammate will drive same car
  • Each team can call 'dibs' on one car
    • 'Dibs' grants sole ownership of that car to the team that said it first
  • Each driver is allowed 1 (one) car change throughout the season
  • 4 point penalty for every car change after that


  • 1st - 405
    2nd - 410
    3rd - 415
    4th - 420
    5th on back - 425

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Since it is so hard to find

Here is the proposed car list: THE CAR LIST

Please submit questions, concerns, and ideas below.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mini Tens: Let's Try this Again

As you may remember we tried in early August but now we are doing this again. The Mini Tens will take place this Friday, Sept. 7th at 11EST/10CST. For the uninitiated, the Mini Tens is a series of 5 races, with 5 cars, on 5 tracks. Everything is stock and each race is 10 laps long. The points for the night are added up and the champion is declared. Viking and Mini are each putting 1 million credits into the pot for the winner.

Car List:
  1. MINI's Toyota MRS from Club Garage(the only non-stock car to be used)
  2. 1994 Mazda Miata MX5\
  3. Hurst Olds
  4. Holden 427
  5. R3 Nissan GTRS

Thursday, June 21, 2012

2012 S700 Finale at Silverstone

Olympics? GASCAR was the real event in England this year. The season finale took place Thursday night at Silverstone. The points picture was a mess, it wasn't even worth explaining with 5 cars within 4 points of the championship. Top went into the race as the points leader looking for his third straight championship. One point behind him was Roadie looking for his first. Instink, was a point behind Roadie looking to win the championship in only his second season. Mini followed him by half a point looking to finally break through. And finally, Viking was the last contender, 4 points back of Top, looking to get back into championship form.

The race start with Mini beating Viking into the first corner and getting the first lap lead. He pitted immediately. Viking then lead the next one, Instink the third, and Recent the 4th as the previous 2 pitted. Top hit the pits early after Viking's threat to never pit to prevent Top from getting a lap lead. After the pits cycled through, Instink looked to be in great shaped with the lead, followed by Viking. Roadie came out in 3rd and Top, Mini, Recent, and Ford made up the last group. Roadie was able to catch the leaders and after some very tight racing was able to lead a lap and get the all important bonus point. The race in the front continued for awhile. Eventually it sorted out with Viking in the lead, and Roadie in second. Instink fell to third and continued to drop. Top, Ford, and Recent all eventually worked around Instink who once again struggled under pressure.

With the current positioning, Roadie lead the series by 1 point, followed by Top and Viking. Top made a lot of noise but no real threat to pass Roadie for the championship. Viking closed out the race and won his second of the season. But the real story was Roadie, who after years of competition finally broke through and won the championship. Top rounded out the podium. Ford in one of the fastest cars in the race only managed to get 4th after having an off early. Recent was 5th, followed by Instink in 6th. Mini finished the race in 7th in what was one of his best chances to win a championship. Proof was in 8th and Bad rounded out the field in 8th.

Race Results
  1. Viking*
  2. Roadie*
  3. Top
  4. Ford
  5. Recent*
  6. Instink*
  7. Mini*
  8. Proof
  9. Bad
Final Championship Results
Your 2012 S-Class Champion: Roadie
  1. Roadie - 56
  2. Viking - 55*
  3. Top - 55
  4. Instink - 51
  5. Mini - 49.5
  6. Trigga - 41.5
  7. Recent - 39
  8. DJ - 31.5
  9. Ford - 19
  10. Proof - 15.5
  11. Bad - 9.5
  12. Stauburst - 1
*wins tiebreaker on number of races won.

And finally, a sincere thank you to everyone who competed, raced, tuned, built, painted, and participated in this season. Really, thanks.

Also poll, continue the collection on the side or have Ford build this.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hockenheimring GP

**Excuse the music, its a good song by a great band, but this is what happens when Top is allowed to pick the music by himself.**
Better late than never. I've been busy. Yell at Top for the no video yet. The race was very exciting with much racing and passing and violence. I don't remember a whole lot at this point but Mini won. He was followed by a whole glob of cars that happened to be in the order they were when they crossed the start finish line. Instink was in 6th after being done dirty by Top, watch the race reply at 43:20.
Now the stage is set for the Championship Finale at Silverstone. The points are much to jumbled for me to even attempt to determine winning scenarios.
  1. Mini*
  2. Recent
  3. Ford*
  4. Top*
  5. Roadie*
  6. Instink*
  7. Viking*
  8. Chevy
  9. DJ
  10. Bad
  11. Proof
Someone send me a pic for this week.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Pizza Maker Memorial GP at Suzuka

Suzuka, oddly, has always kinda sucked. GASCAR doesn't know why but it does and after last nite Suzuka's GASCAR license has been revoked. The race started off predictably enough, plenty of traffic and pitting. The first incident was lap 2 when Instink lagged and Recent got some damage, but you know that story already... Next, the rest of the field starting hitting pit road. Viking jumped in causing Ford to react quickly and jump into the lane. Unfortunately, Mini was already where he wanted to go and there was minor damage picked up by Mini. On lap 7, Mini's box locked up and he dropped out of the room. Following the rules everyone raced to the line and we returned to the lobby to get Mini.

By virtue of being the only driver to have not pitted, Proof led the field back to the green flag. Followed by Viking, Instink, Top, Ford, Mini, Recent, DJ, Bad in an order closely resembling that. Proof, unexpectedly, held off the field for the first lap under green. At this point, there was a collision between Mini and DJ that wounded each car to the point of being out of contention. Proof ducked in for his required pit stop leaving Viking leading Ford, Top, Instink and the rest of the field to the flag with 12 to go. Over these remaining laps, Viking separated from Ford and he did the same to the field. This left a rotating battle for the last podium position between Top, Instink, Recent and later on in the race DJ. More on this battle once the video is produced. Behind them, Mini and DJ where battling with their crippled cars followed by Bad and Proof bringing up the rear after getting stranded by pit stops. Viking finally was able to put an entire race together and won the race followed by another strong showing by Ford. Instink rounded off the podium beating Top to the line. DJ worked into 5th after and off sent Recent to 6th. Mini's box froze up again giving him a 7th along with Bad in 7th. Proof, never able to recover from his poor pit selection, rounded out the field in 8th.
**Correction: Bad River finished 7th tied with Mini, Proof was 8th.**

Instink will be rewarded one free switch because their are 5 of his cars on the leaderboard at Hockenhiem. Whatever car he chooses he must drive for the remainder of the season. he cannot switch back to the Ford or any other car without incurring the 5 point extra change penalty. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Monsanto GP at Road Atlanta

The last race in the States for the 2012 Series Championship went off spectacularly last night with Roadie bringing home only his second ever GASCAR victory. Trigga finished 2nd securing the top 2 positions for his team in his last race before heading out for basic. DJ rounded out the podium with a solid 3rd place. Ford returned once again with a great 4th place run. Mini rounded out the top 5 after running in a podium position most of the race. Top finished about where he ran all race. Viking started out front and fell through the field throughout the race with 2 spins all on his own. Bad rounded out the field that finished the race. Proof and Recent both fell out of the race and Instink should up a bit late.

The race went over so spectacularly that this week's video has quite a bit of material. Look for it this Sunday the 3rd.

  1. Roadie*
  2. Trigga*
  3. DJ
  4. Ford
  5. Mini
  6. Top
  7. Viking
  8. Bad
  9. Proof
  10. Recent
  11. Instink

Saturday, May 19, 2012

JP Morgan GP - Video

This is what you waited for.

So, there was a race last night. That race took place at Infineon. Top promised to make a video for the race. The finishing order was as followed:
  1. Trigga*
  2. Recent
  3. Top*
  4. Instink
  5. DJ
  6. Viking
  7. Mini
  8. Roadie
  9. Proof
  10. Bad

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Carroll Shelby GP

GASCAR left the Midwest and went to Florida for what ended up being the Carroll Shelby GP at Sebring. The race kicked off rather normally. Mini brought the field to the green lead his first lap and promptly pitted along with Instink further back in the back. Viking inherited the lead and Trigga promptly lagged out. After the field retrieved Trigga, the race continued. There was a bit of a mess in which Ford was able to get out front and lead a few laps. Viking, DJ, Top, and others hit the pits after the first lap back. 
Mini and Instink took advantage of their early pit stops and pulled away from the field as the pit stops cycled through. After a few laps, the field settled down with Mini leading Instink, then a large gap to Viking and DJ, followed still by Ford, Top, Trigga, Roadie, and Bad. As the race settled in Mini lead Instink for awhile. Instink then got in front of Mini for a few laps, until Mini bumped him out of the way. Viking managed to get around DJ and then set his sights on the leaders eliminating their large lead as they battled. Viking was able to get around Instink with a few laps left then pulled onto Mini's bumper with 2 to go. Viking lined up Mini going into the last corner and then they collided sending Mini into the wall. Viking wasn't sure what happened and stopped and let Mini back into the lead.

Finishing Order
  1. Mini*
  2. Viking*
  3. DJ
  4. Instink*
  5. Roadie
  6. Trigga
  7. Top
  8. Ford*
  9. Bad
This is a rather poor update but I don't feel like writing at the moment. Feel free to add the rest of the story in the comments. And these fucking pictures won't line up, so there

Saturday, May 5, 2012

MCA GP @ Indy

A Chipotle car (maybe Trigga) crossing the line
After a two week hiatus, GASCAR returned to Indianapolis this time for a few trips around the infield. The racing picked up where it left off in Wisconsin (after some minor difficulties) with another rather large pack for the first 5 laps of the race. Initially, Instink separated from the pack and had to be the prerace favorite to take home the victory. 2nd through 7th was a mob consisting of Roadie, Trigga, Viking, Mini, Ford, and Recent is an assortment of orders. Top Fuel, crippled by his handicap struggled behind the pack. After some light bumping in the group Recent sustained damage and joined Top in the back, where Proof was also.  As the group began to thin out, Trigga picked one car off after another and set his sights on the lead where Instink had accumulated a large lead. Viking was able to work into third, in front of Mini and Roadie, by the time he hit the pits on lap 8. At this point, the race had strung out as pit stops cycled through for everyone, except Trigga in Mini. With his motivation for staying out still unclear, Trigga continued in the front as Mini, mostly patiently, sat in 2nd hoping for his chance to get a lap lead and the bonus point. 

During this lull, Ford fell back, struggling in his GASCAR return.  As pit stops continued to cycle through it became evident that Viking was breaking off hot laps by himself by passing Instink while he was in the pits. Finally, around lap 26, Trigga hit the pits allowing Mini to get his bonus point. The cycle completed and Trigga's once dominant lead had been shrunk to a few hundred feet with Viking in hot pursuit. Instink settled into his second podium and Roadie was just ahead of Mini for fourth. The last few laps ticked away and Viking eliminated what remained of Trigga's lead. Coming to the green to begin the last lap Viking pulled right and raced Trigga into the first corner, taking the lead. Trigga pulled back to the inside going into turn 3. Slight contact ensued and Trigga was able to pull back into the first position and had a sufficient lead to end all contention for the win from Viking. Meanwhile, Mini had managed to get around Roadie for fourth. I am unsure as to what was taking place back there but Mini ended up with the spot. Between the fights, Instink became the only driver to finish each race on the podium. The rest of the field finished as follows:
Bonus pic, Viking checking out the top of the mountain.
MCA GP @ Indy Final Results 
  1. Trigga*
  2. Viking
  3. Instink*
  4. Mini*
  5. Roadie
  6. Top
  7. Ford
  8. Recent
  9. Bad
  10. Proof 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Road America Results

Road America played host to the opening race of the GASCAR 2012 S700 Summer Series. New team StinkyKing looked strong going into the race and it showed in qualifying with Viking coming in second to teammate Instink who collected the poll and the bonus point. The national anthem was then performed by Hologram Biggie Smalls, attempting to one up Hologram Tupac. The first six positions were inverted and this lead to Proof leading the field to the green flag with Mini on the outside. The rest of the lineup was:
Bad (355C) hitting a sideways DJ (Shelby Series 1)
  1. Proof
  2. Mini
  3. Roadie
  4. Top
  5. Viking
  6. Instink
  7. DJ
  8. Recent
  9. Trigga
  10. Stauburst
  11. Bad
Stauburst, Viking, Proof, and Instink in the Carousel
Stauburst, Viking, Proof, and Instink in the Carousel
After last season's relative tameness, GASCAR returned to form quickly. Entering the first corner, Recent got into DJ's rear bumper sending him spinning in corner. Everyone managed to avoid the wreck until Bad came out of the corner and smashed the side of DJ. A caution came out and the field regrouped for a restart on the backstretch. Going into Canada Corner. Instink locked up the brakes and managed to avoid most of the field until he slide into Viking. The hit damaged both cars to the point of preventing contention for the win. The caution never came out and Team StinkyKing hit the pits to and settled in the for long haul. At the front of the field, Roadie was pulling away followed by Recent, Proof, and Mini with Top Fuel latched to his bumper. 
Viking (Gallardo) spinning with Stauburst (Countach) in the background
Pit stops started to shuffle the field by lap 9, Roadie was still leading 
with Mini, Recent, Top, Stauburst, Proof, Viking, Instink following at widely varying intervals from second through eighth.
Proof, Viking, and Stauburst began to stack up, Stauburst had a slight off in the kink which allowed Viking and Proof to squeak by. Then getting into Canada Corner, Stauburst locked up his brakes and collided with Viking's rear bumper bringing out the second caution of the race. 

Trigga (GT) getting hit by Stauburst (Countach)
The race restarted on lap 10. Roadie jumped into the pits as the green flag came out. Mini stayed out for a couple laps and got his lap lead bonus.Top Fuel jumped the restarted (admitted to it) and was able to get around his teammate and Recent. The field regrouped again, and Roadie was able to pull back up to the rest of the field. Top Fuel got the jump on the restart, partly because his car was one of the few left in one piece and partly because of what was going on behind him, which was pure magic. The drivers of GASCAR put on one of the most impressive forms of driving ever as 6 cars battled for second place over a period of a fews laps. The story continues below this set of gorgeous pictures. 

Instink (Gallardo), Recent (Legacy), and Roadie (GT) going into the blind corner three wide

Mini finally ducked into the pit on the next lap afraid to get caught out again. The field began to sort itself back out. Roadie, who had caught back up thanks to the previous caution, was able to work through the field and return to second. Now damaged, as visible able, he was unable to compete with Top Fuel. Instink worked through the field and was able to take the last podium position with his injured vehicle. Recent settled behind them in fourth. The furious racing continued throughout the final 8 laps without any cautions, leaving Mini stranded in the back of the pack, ultimately a ninth place finish. Proof, Viking, and DJ raced for 5th for awhile until Proof was able to pull away from them. Viking and DJ then continued to battle until the last lap for the important 6th position. After numerous swaps DJ was able to win the battle and Viking settled for 7th in his crippled car. Trigga and Stauburst in their cripple cars from the last caution and having to pit came in 9th and 10 respectively. Bad River was doing a great job of allowing the leaders plenty of room on the final laps and wrapped up the race in 11th. The final finishing position was as followed:
Mini leading Top Fuel through the Kink
  1. Top*
  2. Roadie*
  3. Instink*
  4. Recent
  5. Proof
  6. DJ
  7. Viking
  8. Mini*
  9. Trigga
  10. Stauburst
  11. Bad  
*denotes lap lead or qualifying bonus point.
GASCAR returns in two weeks on May 4th with their first ever visit to the Indianapolis Road Course.



2012 GASCAR S700 Championship

Car Specs

  • S700 P.i.
  • Weigh more than 2500 lbs.
  • Horsepower 600 or less.

Team Rules

  • 2 drivers/team

Car Rules

  • Can have 'dibs' on one car at a time.
  • Can call 'dibs' an infinite number of times.
  • 'Dibs' grants the owner the sole ability to run that car in a race.
  • Allowed to run 2 different cars throughout the season. 
  • 'Dibs doesn't effect number of cars used count, only affected once the race starts.


  1. 10
  2. 8
  3. 7
  4. 6
  5. 5
  6. 4
  7. 3
  8. 2
  9. and below. 1
  • *one bonus point for leading a lap
  • Should majors be brought back? 
    • Maybe not for double points but maybe 1.5 times points?
***all rules are preliminary and subject to change 


Ok, revision time.

There will be two handicaps added together every week to determine your P.I. handicap for the next race.

The first handicap will be assessed based on your points position
  • 1st - 25 p.i.
  • 2nd - 15 p.i.
  • 3rd - 10 p.i.
  • 4th - 5 p.i.
The second handicap (if necessary) will be assessed based on your finishing position in the previous race.
  • 1st - 15 p.i.
  • 2nd - 10 p.i.
  • 3rd - 5 p.i.

The previous race penalty will not be applied until after the second race. This will prevent cars that are slightly better from taking a gigantic hit just because they had one good starting race.

Example if you are first in points and finished the previous race in 3rd place you will have a P.I. handicap of -40.
If you are 5th in points and won the previous race you will have a P.I. handicap of 20.

*Due to the nature of the cars, no one will be allowed to add additional P.I. and cross the S700 mark.

 Starting Order

Every race will start based on points with the top 6 positions inverted.
  1. 6th in points
  2. 5th in points
  3. 4th in points
  4. 3rd in points
  5. 2nd in points
  6. 1st in points
  7. 7th in points
  8. 8th in points
  9. 9 in points
  10. and so on...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Dibs are Now Open

**First, rules are updated. Look up there ^ **
Back at 600HP and 2500lbs.

Below is a list of dibs called so far.

  • Team StinkyKing 
    • '05 Gallardo
  • Top and Mini
    • Ferrari F40                     
  • Fenrir Proof 
    • S5S Raptor
  • BadRiver 
    • Ferrari 355 C
  • Trigga
    • Jaguar XJ220 
  • Stauburst
    • 2011 RX8 
  • Roadie
    • Ford GT

Comment below to add your car or send it to Viking on live.

Also don't forget to vote below if you haven't already.

Ferrari F50
Devon GTX

Sunday, April 1, 2012

For Archiving Purposes

I realized I had not wrote the rules for this previous season into a post. This can be ignored and is being used only for archiving purposes.

Rules for 2012 American Airlines GASCAR Series Championship

1st - 10
2nd - 8
3rd - 7
4th - 6
5th - 5
6th - 4
7th - 3
8th - 2
9th and below 1
* - One bonus point for leading a lap during the race

Cars Rules
Cars start at P.I. 500 
Cars must be above 2000 lbs
Cars must can be FWD or RWD, not AWD

Team Rules
Each team is allowed to call 'dibs' on one car  
Each team is allowed one 'dibs' change in a season
4 point penalty applied for each car change after the first one

1st - 480pi
2nd - 490pi
3-6 - 500pi
7th - 510pi
8th - 520pi

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Test Session Friday, March 30th.

There will be a test session that will official run around 11EST/10CST on Friday, March 30th. The configuration experimented with during this time will be S700 cars, no AWD, less than 600hp, and must weigh more than 2500lbs. These numbers are by no means final so feel free to experiment and make suggestions. Obviously attendance is far from required but if you'd like a say in next season or if you'd to get a head start in testing attendance is recommended.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mazda Laguna Seca Recap

Another season has come and gone. With the withdrawals in full swing it is time to recap the last race of the season. In an experiment, the race was split into two segments. The first segment was 12 laps long and included a $3 million bonus to the leader. The idea behind this was to create an interesting money vs. track position vs. pitting scenario. It failed. The race started off with a small, mostly nonviolent melee in the first corner that spun half the field around. There was minimal damage and the race continued on its merry way. Most everyone choose to go after the race win and pitted early. After the pits cycled through, the field was surprised to find Proof in the lead for the $3 million. Mysteriously, on lap 9 Proof managed to wreck himself on the straight going up the hill and went into the pits. A freak caution came out on lap 11 and forced a one lap, 3 million dollar shoot out to the halfway point. There was much beating and banging to be had, but no real wrecks. Recent continued his dominant performance when in the 500 pi car and cruised away to win the heat.

The race continued to be a merry, although rather boring affair in the second segment. On the restart, Viking managed to go from 5th to last in the first three corners. During this time, Recent continued to stretch his lead over the field. Top chased in second while trying to wrap up the championship, followed not so closely by Mini, Instink, Proof, and everyone else. Meanwhile in the back, Viking continued his shenanigans by attempting to pass Proof and Trigga. He made a move to the outside sticking a tire in the sand, then slight contact was made. This did not go well. Viking found himself in the wall, severely crippled, and Top found his championship secured. The race continued in this rather boring fashion with Recent wrapping up his third victory of the season. The race standings and final season standings are below:

Race Standings
  1. Recent* - 11
  2. Top* - 9
  3. Mini - 7
  4. Instink - 6
  5. Proof* - 6
  6. Stauburst - 4
  7. Viking - 3
  8. Roadie - 2
  9. Ford - 1
  10. Trigga - 1

Final Season Standing
  1. Top – 82
  2. Recent – 72.5
  3. Viking - 67
  4. Roadie – 61.5
  5. Mini – 50.5
  6. Ford -
  7. Instink - 39
  8. Trigga – 24.5
  9. Proof - 22
  10. Stauburst – 19.5
  11. Bad - 12
  12. DJ - 3
  13. Shadead – 2
  14. Chrome – 1

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tsukuba Video Recap on the Way

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Road Atlanta Video Recap

Nice video recap from the Atlanta race. Courtesy of Mini.

Indy Double Down Presented by KFC

The Indy Oval Spectacular went about as expected.
In the first race, the Top "defended his position" and won
  1. Top* - 5.5
  2. Recent - 4
  3. Mini* - 4
  4. Viking - 3
  5. Trigga - 2.5
  6. Roadie - 2
  7. Ford* - 2
  8. Stauburst - 1
  9. River - .5
  10. Proof - .5
 In the second race, nearly everyone defended there position besides for Trigga who was a pushing machine and should've had a shot at the leaders before some more shit happens in a heat that was just a series on shittiness piled on other shit to form a shit filled race. Recent won this one.
  1. Recent* - 5.5
  2. Ford* - 4.5
  3. Trigga* - 4
  4. Proof* - 3.5
  5. Viking* - 3
  6. River* - 2.5
  7. Stauburst - 1.5
  8. Top* - 1.5
  9. Mini - .5
The combined points for the night were:
  1. Recent - 9.5
  2. Top - 7
  3. Trigga -  6.5
  4. Ford - 6.5
  5. Viking - 6
  6. Mini - 4.5
  7. Proof - 4
  8. Bad - 3
  9. Roadie - 2.5
  10. Stauburst - 2.5
  11. Instink - 1

Road Atlanta Far From Instant Results

  1. Top*
  2. Viking
  3. Roadie*
  4. Recent*
  5. Mini*
  6. Ford
  7. Instink
  8. Stauburst
  9. Bad
  10. Proof

Friday, January 13, 2012

Stop SOPA 45 Instant Results

Stop SOPA Instant Results
This is all the update there is for this week, it was a good race but if you are unaware of SOPA and PIPA read this: call your congresspeople and tell them why SOPA and PIPA are bad ideas. These bills will destroy free speech on the internet and introduce a system similar to that used in oppressive regimes. 

1st - Ford*
2nd - Recent*
3rd - Top
4th - Roadie
5th - Trigga*
6th - Viking
7th - Instink
8th - Stauburst
9th - Proof
10th - Shadead

Friday, January 6, 2012

Santorum 42 Minute GP

The race lasted about about as long as Santorum appeared to be a legitimate candidate.
More to come later.

EDIT: 1/7/2012 @ 6:04CST
Not actually a whole lot more to come. Team Norse switched cars at the last second to the Vauxhall VX220 and wildly beat their expectations. Viking was able to overcome his poor qualifying effort and shoot to 3rd in the first corner. Roadie used the Vauxhall's extra power to get around Top and lead the first lap. On the second lap, Instink lagged out. a caution was called, he was picked up and the race continued. Viking aggressively moved around a patient Top and then around Roadie. By the time Top got around Roadie on lap 10 Viking had amassed a 4 second lead. The race continued rather uneventfully with no cautions called but everyone had there own heated battle. Instink continued his push for rookie of the year by qualifying 3rd and finishing 2 tenths in front of Proof for 5th after a hard battle. DJ ran for Ford and disappointed in the severely handicapped Escorting bring in 7th place points for him and Ford. Viking continued to stretch the lead over Top to 7 seconds by the end of the race after one close encounter that sent Bad into the wall.

The series continues next week with the first ever Fuck SOPA GP at Hockenheim.

1st - Viking*
2nd - Top*
3rd - Roadie*
4th - Mini
5th - Instink
6th - Proof
7th - DJ(for Ford)
8th - Stauburst
9th - Chrome
10th - Bad