
Saturday, May 18, 2013

JC Penney GP @ Mazda Laguna Seca Recap

"TopFuelMan to be severely punished!"

GASCAR, as usual, reached into the bottom of the barrel for a sponsor when the faltering retail giant stepped up with a no money paid sponsorship deal for the May 17th GASCAR A Class race at Laguna Seca.

TopFuelMan looked to be the star of the show heading into qualifying only to have DJ steal his thunder despite his car being slightly neutered. The rest of the line up was pretty chalk with the exception of Ford starting near the back because he could not register a clean lap during the 3 lap qualifying session.

The race started after much screwing around to get the live feed, , up and running so TriggaMike could watch. DJ and Top almost immediately started duking it out for the lead. Ford and Mini had were wondering about who was going to take the third step on the podium. Stauburst and Proof, in a Dodge Neon of all things, were battling it out for fifth while BadRiver struggled with understeer in his Lexus IS350.

The race, set for 30 laps, looked to be settling in after a caution on lap 3. Tire wear was going to be an issue with multiple pit strategies in play.

However, DJ's internet exploded on lap 9. The decision was made to restart the race with 20 to go after allowing DJ to rejoin the room. Tire wear would still be a factor but it wasn't going to be nearly the same challenge.

Ford lead a lap while TopFuel pitted. Mini also lead a lap, due to some F1 style team orders shenanigans. That set up a brief tussle with DJ and Top but the latter eventually pulled away.

Because he was in first place in points before the race and he captured the win, TopFuelMan will now carry a permanent 5 PI handicap for the rest of the season, with the exception of the oval race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. This handicap will be on top of whatever handicap is associated with his current points position at the time current race.

JC Penney GP Finishing Order(laps led are noted with a *)

  1. TopFuelMan*
  2. VVV_DJ
  3. Fordv2*
  4. MiniAndretti*
  5. Stauburst
  6. FenrirProof
  7. BadRiver
The Next Race with be a stock race using the R2 Lexus SC430 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

**** Rumors persist about new race videos being produced. Stay tuned.

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