Friday, June 21, 2013

XterminatorX narrowly takes the A. Hernandez GP

Viking Is Awarded No Points...

...and may God have mercy on his soul.

It wasn't a great race but some stuff happened. When Top sends me the picture there might be a better recap. In the meantime, here are the season finishing points.

  1. TopFuelMan 88
  2. DJ                 65.5
  3. Mini              64.5
  4. Fordv2          63.5
  5. Trigga           58
  6. VinDoctor21 53
  7. Stauburst       38
  8. XTerminator 35
  9. BadRiver       28.5
  10. Proof              28
  11. Instink            22
  12. Viking            0*
* Viking was awarded -11 points for the last race due to his whining.

1 comment:

  1. for being so close i will now never miss a race again im ready to take a top 3 spot back
