Saturday, June 15, 2013

TopFuelMan Secures 4th GASCAR Title!

VinDoctor Captures His Third Win.

Qualifying went about as expected for the PBR 4 Health GP @ Road America. VinDoctor eeked out the pole over his BMW M5 driving teammate, Xterminator, by laying down a 2:18.7. Ford qualified ahead of TopFuel bouying his hopes to move into second place in the season points.

The race did not settle down quickly. The BMW's rocketed away but 3rd through 9th were packed up pretty tightly for the first three laps. This was, of course, accompanied by the usual yelling and laughter.  DJ pulled away from TopFuel as Trigga was trying to track the latter down. Ford and MINI traded spots for sixth a couple of times before MINI pulled away a bit.

In what proved to be the call of the race, the two leaders decided to go on a one stop strategy. This forced everyone to follow suit. Given the 4 mile length of Road America that made tire wear a real issue after 7 laps. 

Trigga began to track TopFuel down towards the end of the first stint. MINI had gapped Ford even further as all the cars began to move at about the speed of smell or a snail(Turbo we were not.). On lap 10 MINI clocked himself at 105mph in the middle of the kink. Contrast that speed with the 122mph he was going just a few laps before. All cars dove for the pits at the end of lap 10 to trade the black grease strips around their wheels for actual tires.

Ford was unable to track down MINI and his teammate, Stauburst lagged out. TopFuel, having found a bit of speed was able to track DJ down and brought Trigga with him. A battle ensued but everyone held station at the end of the 20 lap race.

VinDoctor traded spots with Xterminator a couple of times but was seemingly on cruise control while claiming his third win in GASCAR.

TopFuel's fourth place finish assured him of his fourth GASCAR title. His reward will be having his PI restriction lifted for the last race at Infineon NASCAR on June 21. That race will also decide who finishes second in points with DJ just 2 points behind MINI. But Ford's move back to fourth, and the cooresponding bump up in PI may lift him over the other two.

PBR 4 Health Finishing Order:
  1. VinDoctor21*
  2. XterminatorX*
  3. DJ
  4. TopFuelMan
  5. TriggaMike
  6. MiniAndretti
  7. Fordv2
  8. FenrirProof
  9. Stauburst

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